Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How to Build a Long Term Cryptocurrency Portfolio

Long term crypto investment might be a good strategy for increasing the initial capital. There are over 5,000 crypto assets on the market that can potentially make you rich. Every experienced investor knows the investment essentials: portfolio diversification, long and short-term instruments, constant market research, etc. But how can a crypto novice build a long term cryptocurrency portfolio? 

Changelly has gathered the basics of building a crypto portfolio. We are going to provide a list of the best coins and altcoins for long term investment. Here we go!

Long-Term Investment: Pros & Cons

Long-term investments mean that you are going to acquire assets with an intent to sell them later (for example, in a year). A special term was invented in 2013 that refers to holding crypto assets regardless of the market situation: hodling. It might be synonymous with long-term investment. The most significant difference between these two terms is that hodling is a belief that a particular cryptocurrency will reach the moon. In contrast, long-term investment is a strategy with many reliable facts behind it. 

Long term investment approach works perfectly with conventional investment instruments like bonds, stocks, etc. When being involved in the crypto industry, one should remember that the crypto market has a highly volatile nature. The industry is changing very rapidly, and this implies some risks: the asset you buy today can be invalid in a year. However, the same volatility factor, along with other crypto events, may dramatically change a particular asset’s value and bring considerable profit. 

Besides, holding cryptocurrency long term is less risky than day trade (especially if these are your first steps in a crypto investment). It is essential to admit that DeFi coins for yield farming probably don’t fit into a long term crypto portfolio as they require constant trader’s involvement.  

Long term crypto investment: ProsLong term crypto investment: Cons
The crypto volatility can increase the value of your crypto investments multiple timeOn the opposite, volatility might devalue long term investments 
The project behind stored cryptocurrency may become an important player on the market. An early holding of a crypto coin can bring considerable profit (like it was with BTC)Since cryptocurrencies are digital assets, there are always a threat of wallets’ and portfolio trackers’ hacks
There is no central authority over cryptocurrencies. You are the one who can control it. Crypto assets are decentralized, which means no government can inflate or deflate them Access to a wallet that stores funds can be lost (forgotten password, hack, etc.)

Building a Long Term Cryptocurrency Portfolio

Once you’ve decided to invest in cryptocurrency and hold it for a long time, some basics points should be checked.

  1. Choose a cryptocurrency you want to invest in. Do your own research about digital assets that are suitable for long term investment. Pay attention to the coin’s reputation and don’t forget to check its social networks;
  1. Research the idea behind the project. Does it offer a brand new approach to resolve blockchain issues? Perhaps, it provides a new vision on the following blockchain development? Decide whether the project has a solid base to become an industry’s standard or, in short, – does it worth your attention?
  1. Check a cryptocurrency’s market capitalization. The market cap represents a market share of a particular digital asset. The higher is the market cap, the lower are the risks for investors;
  1. Every experienced investor knows that the key to successful investment decisions is portfolio diversification. An old and irritating proverb that claims “not to put all eggs in one basket” works perfectly for long-term crypto investments. It is wise enough to purchase several crypto assets to put them in the long run. In this way, there are more chances that some of them will increase in value, thus bringing profit. 
  1. Choose a cryptocurrency portfolio tracker. There are certain tools that are tailored to provide investors with insightful information about his/her assets. Services like Cryptocompare or Cointracker give comprehensive tools to track your long-term crypto investments. However, one can keep their funds in multi-currency digital wallets. Don’t forget to choose the one that is safe and secure.

Which Cryptocurrencies to Choose 

To build a crypto portfolio, one should analyze the market to choose promising and potentially good investment options. We’ve put cryptocurrencies into several categories that help you determine your preferences in building a long-term crypto portfolio. 

Core Cryptocurrencies 

Core cryptocurrencies are the type of crypto assets that essentially are the pillars of the industry. Obviously, the first and the leading cryptocurrency (in terms of market cap and influence) is Bitcoin (BTC). Having BTC in a cryptocurrency portfolio is a rational and smart decision. 

The second place belongs to Ethereum (ETH) by right. Most decentralized applications (dApps), decentralized exchanges (DEXs), and rapidly evolving DeFi applications are built upon the Ethereum blockchain. This fact maintains ETH value making it an indispensable instrument for running a long term crypto portfolio. 

Anonymous Cryptocurrencies 

As long as the crypto industry promises to secure your identity and provides every user with transaction privacy, anonymous cryptocurrencies will be in great demand. The world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies is moving towards mass adoption. It is crucial to be prepared for the day when anonymous digital assets will be a vital part of our daily routine.  

The most well-known cryptocurrencies that ensure your privacy are Monero (XMR) and Zcash. Both of them allow for untraceable and highly encrypted transactions.

Protocol Cryptocurrencies

Many ‘bright’ projects promised to make the world a better place back to the Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) age. Most of them are currently deactivated or announced a scam exit. However, those projects that had a breakthrough technological solution behind them managed to make it in 2020. 

Decentralized oracle network Chainlink (LINK) is a hot trend in the industry at the moment. In an attempt to bridge real-world applications with smart contracts, Chainlink continues its ascending to the top of the crypto charts. 

the list of top cryptocurrencies by market cap for long term crypto investment

Polkadot has been on the market for long enough to prove its credibility. The platform offers a solution for cross-chain transfers, scalability issues, etc. Having a DOT coin in a long term crypto portfolio might be a good idea.

Cardano (ADA) is another solid project that aims to resolve core blockchain issues like lack of scalability, transaction speed, security, and transparency. With a flawless reputation, high market capitalization, and great potential for releasing truly advanced solutions, ADA coin should be a part of the crypto portfolio strategy. 

Why do long term investment strategies include buying MIOTA? This is a very attractive asset for traders. The peculiarity of the IOTA cryptocurrency is that it operates without commissions and miners. The project developers managed to launch a fully self-sustaining and infinitely scalable network where users confirm the transactions of other users. Moreover, the project is not based on blockchain: instead, it uses the unique Tangle consensus method. 

Possessing all the main features of digital currency (decentralization, cryptographic encryption methods, lack of control by the state), NEO also has strong competitive advantages thanks to which it confidently established itself in the top currencies by total market capitalization. 

Other Cryptocurrencies

There are other altcoins that are worth your attention. Coins like Tron (TRX) and EOS (EOS) might be a nice addition to the cryptocurrency portfolio. These assets were created to sustain a proper environment within the ecosystem of their native blockchains. However, there is no need to remind you that the market situation may change within hours, not to mention long periods. Having these assets in a portfolio might be in order.  

Stellar works to accelerate payments and reduce fees on cross-border transactions. XLM is widely used by companies with multi-million capitalizations and is one of the leading cheap cryptocurrencies. The company shows a clear development uptrend. 

Litecoin is a faster version of BTC. It stands firmly in the top-10 list of the leading cryptocurrencies and intends to keep its position this way. If you are interested in purchasing LTC to keep it as a long term investment, then our Litecoin price prediction might be coming in handy.  

Another giant cryptocurrency is Bitcoin Cash. This is a truly perfect example of the fact that life after hardfork does exist. BCH is currently in the top-5 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.

Bottom Line

As the industry provides access to more than 5,000 cryptocurrencies, one can choose any digital assets he/she likes. We want to admit that all cryptocurrencies provided in this article can be seamlessly purchased with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard), bank transfer, or Apple Pay on Changelly. Invest wisely, and may the lucky side of volatility be with you. 

Disclaimer: You’ve just read one of the author’s opinions on the Changelly blog. Here is a thing: in this article, we do not recommend or insist on buying any particular cryptocurrency. Remember that the crypto market is extremely volatile so invest in crypto on your own risks.

The post How to Build a Long Term Cryptocurrency Portfolio appeared first on Cryptocurrency News & Trading Tips – Crypto Blog by Changelly.

* This article was originally published here

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Canaan sets up bitcoin mining business in Kazakhstan

Canaan, a provider of supercomputing solutions and producer of one of the world’s first ASIC-powered bitcoin mining machine’s in 2013 is delivering on their 2021 strategic plans announced earlier this year.

The company is now driving its own crypto-mining business in Kazakhstan with its latest Avalon Miner units already in operation.

As one of the largest crypto-mining machine manufacturers, the move beyond Canaan’s existing business model is the logical next step as it enables them to optimize their revenues; as well as strengthen their inventory management and supply chain capabilities.

“We believe that our self-operated bitcoin mining business will help us improve our financial performance; as well as expand our business scope. As we integrate more industry resources into our operations, we believe this business segment will enable us to revitalize our mining machine inventory, shield us from bitcoin volatility, and ensure our inventory sufficiency during market upturns.”
– Nangeng Zhang, Chairman and CEO of Canaan

Canaan now operates bitcoin mining business in Kazakhstan

Diversification into Mining

The production and sales of mining machines have typically been closely related to the prices of their underlying cryptocurrency. Undue fluctuations in the price of bitcoin, for instance, can have the adverse impact of inducing undue volatility in the revenue streams of mining hardware providers.

Coupled with the longer-term nature of manufacturing and production processes, where lead times tend to be more stretched out, it is not uncommon for there to be a time lag between supply-side responses and changes in demand.

This often means two extremes: idling resources or overly strained capacity. The diversification into mining then, not only mitigates such operational risks but also significantly improves Canaan’s nimbleness and ability to navigate the rapidly evolving market conditions.

During a period of lull, the mining business will benefit from taking full advantage of the availability of their in-stock mining machines to be actively deployed in their mining operations at low electricity rates, thus maximizing their computing power at that time.

On the flip side, when market activity is elevated, the mining business will also benefit from putting the processing capacity of older machines in use.

The net result will be a considerable improvement in inventory planning and supply chain optimization throughout the year, and unaffected by the price of bitcoin.

Finally, the venture into bitcoin mining allows Canaan to directly accumulate bitcoin and thus has the potential for considerable upside for Canaan.

Canaan also recently announced the opening of its first overseas service center in Kazakhstan.

The post Canaan sets up bitcoin mining business in Kazakhstan appeared first on CryptoNinjas.

* This article was originally published here

Friday, June 25, 2021

Peter Brandt zaleca czujno艣膰 wszystkim posiadaczom Bitcoina

Jedna z czo艂owych firm zajmuj膮cych si臋 bankowo艣ci膮 inwestycyjn膮, czyli Goldman Sachs ponownie zainteresowana kryptowalutami. Wed艂ug ostatnich doniesie艅 Reutersa firma na nowo uruchomi艂a sw贸j 贸wczesny dzia艂 obrotu kryptowalutowego i ju偶 w przysz艂ym tygodniu wznawia realizacj臋 transakcji dla swoich klient贸w. Zdaniem Petera Brandta jest to niezwykle alarmuj膮ca sytuacja, z uwagi na wcze艣niejszy du偶y spadek cen BTC wynikaj膮cym z podobnego dzia艂ania Goldman Sachs. Czy jest si臋 czym martwi膰?

Goldman Sachs winny spadku Bitcoina w 2017?

Pierwsze uruchomienie identycznego dzia艂u w firmie Goldman Sachs mia艂o miejsce 3 lata temu. Wtedy to cena Bitcoina spad艂a o oko艂o 87%, dlatego nowe doniesienia napawaj膮 niekt贸rych posiadaczy BTC lekkim niepokojem. Warto zatem przeanalizowa膰 obecn膮 sytuacje i poszuka膰 analogii.

Jedna z os贸b, kt贸re napominaj膮 do wzmo偶onej czujno艣ci jest Peter Brandt. Ten znany i ceniony trader posiadaj膮cy ogromne do艣wiadczenie w handlu surowcami podzieli艂 si臋 ostatnio ciekawym wykresem. Zaznaczy艂 na nim dat臋 pierwotnego otwarcia przez Goldman Sachs wspomnianego dzia艂u. Dzie艅 ten poprzedza nieznacznie moment za艂amania si臋 rynku i sporego spadku cen Bitcoina oraz innych kryptowalut.

Sytuacja nie jest jednak do ko艅ca analogiczna a rynek nie wygl膮da tak samo jak jeszcze trzy lata temu. Pod koniec 2017 roku kapitalizacja BTC uros艂a do prawie 335 miliard贸w USD, przy czym dzienny wolumen wzr贸s艂 z niespe艂na 2 miliard贸w do a偶 14 miliard贸w USD. By艂 to prze艂omowy moment a ca艂y 7-krotny wzrost cen mia艂 miejsce w ci膮gu jedynie kr贸tkiego miesi膮ca. W zwi膮zku z zaistnia艂ym wzrostem rynek prze偶y艂 prawdziwe obl臋偶enie a wiele gie艂d takich jak Bittrex, Binance oraz Bitfinex musia艂o tymczasowo wstrzyma膰 rejestracj臋 nowych u偶ytkownik贸w. Doprowadzi艂o to do rozwoju obrotu wt贸rnego ju偶 istniej膮cymi kontami a ca艂膮 gie艂d臋 opanowa艂 sza艂 na Bitcoina.

W tej chwili sytuacja jest du偶o spokojniejsza, co sprawia, 偶e obecny cykl wzrost贸w nap臋dzany jest raczej przez inwestor贸w instytucjonalnych ni偶 indywidualnych. R贸wnie偶 sam wolumen charakteryzuje si臋 wi臋ksz膮 stabilno艣ci膮 i utrzymuje si臋 na wzgl臋dnym poziomie oko艂o 60 miliard贸w USD ju偶 od dobrych kilku tygodni.

Warto tak偶e przypomnie膰, 偶e pod koniec 20017 roku uruchomiono kontrakty terminowe na Bitcoina, co r贸wnie偶 mog艂o by膰 jedn膮 z przyczyn nag艂ego spadku notowa艅 tej kryptowaluty

Nie ma powod贸w do obaw

Obecna sytuacja na rynku kryptowalutowym niczym nie przypomina tej z 2017 roku, dlatego nie warto jest na si艂臋 doszukiwa膰 si臋 jakichkolwiek analogii. Teoria Petera Brandta nie poparta jest zbyt wieloma dowodami, dlatego nie warto a偶 tak bardzo zaprz膮ta膰 sobie g艂owy sytuacj膮, kt贸ra mia艂a miejsce jedynie raz w przeci膮gu d艂ugich 11 lat w historii handlu Bitcoinami.

Artyku艂 Peter Brandt zaleca czujno艣膰 wszystkim posiadaczom Bitcoina pochodzi z serwisu CryptoDemy.

* This article was originally published here

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Chainlink wprowadza bardzo wa偶n膮 aktualizacj臋 – Off-Chain Reporting

Chainlink wprowadza ca艂kiem now膮 funkcj臋. Funkcja ta b臋dzie istnym dobrodziejstwem dla finans贸w zdecentralizowanych. Aktualizacja ta ma podobno zwi臋kszy膰 dziesi臋ciokrotnie wydajno艣膰 wyroczni.

Aktualizacja – Off-Chain Reporting

Chainlink w艂a艣nie ujawni艂 swoj膮 aktualizacj臋 najnowsz膮 raportowania poza samym 艂a艅cuchem (OCR lub Off-Chain Reporting), najwi臋ksz膮 przebudow臋 sieci od czasu uruchomienia jej na Ethereum w roku 2019. Wcze艣niej dane te by艂y agregowane w zasadzie na samym 艂a艅cuchu. Sprawia艂o to, 偶e w obliczu obci膮偶enia sieci rosn膮cego wyst膮pi膰 mog艂y problemy z dost臋pem do wielu danych.

OCR to trzecia oraz najnowsza wersja klienta Chainling Core uruchomionego bezpo艣rednio na w臋z艂ach Chainlink. Korzy艣ci膮 najbardziej bezpo艣redni膮 dla DeFi oraz jego u偶ytkownik贸w b臋dzie wzrost dziesi臋ciokrotny ilo艣ci danych rzeczywistych, kt贸re mog膮 zosta膰 udost臋pnione chocia偶by dla dApp贸w. Chainling OCR skaluje sieci wyroczni poprzez agregacj臋 danych poza 艂a艅cuchem oraz przesy艂aj膮 jedynie transakcj臋 pojedyncz膮 on-chain.

Wed艂ug Chainlink, sama aktualizacja tak偶e obni偶y zu偶ycie gazu na transakcj臋 przeci臋tn膮 w sieci Ethereum. Jest to spore dobrodziejstwo dla aplikacji DeGi, kt贸re korzystaj膮 w艂a艣nie z wyroczni Chainlink.

Dlaczego taka aktualizacja jest potrzebna?

Do tej pory, gdy w臋z艂y Chainling pobiera艂y dane ze 藕r贸d艂em zewn臋trznych, przenie艣膰 musia艂y je na 艂a艅cuch, a nast臋pnie zagregowa膰. Kiedy ka偶dy z w臋z艂贸w wyroczni przenie艣膰 musi dane na Ethereum, powoduje to spore koszty gazu Etherem dla operator贸w tych偶e w臋z艂贸w.

Oprogramowanie Chainling ma bezpo艣redni charakter open source. Tym samym nie wszystkie w臋z艂y obs艂ugiwane s膮 przez Chainlink. Niezale偶nie od tego, ktokolwiek obs艂uguje w臋ze艂, zu偶ywa膰 musi tokeny Ethereum, aby sprowadzi膰 dane w艂a艣nie na Ethereum oraz wykonywa膰 na nich wszelkie obliczenia. To ogranicza drastycznie ilo艣膰 danych, kt贸re mog膮 obs艂u偶y膰 w臋z艂y, szczeg贸lnie, 偶e cena Ethereum idzie naprawd臋 mocno w g贸r臋.

Artyku艂 Chainlink wprowadza bardzo wa偶n膮 aktualizacj臋 – Off-Chain Reporting pochodzi z serwisu CryptoDemy.

* This article was originally published here

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Didn’t we just enter a crypto bear market?

Didn鈥檛 we just enter a crypto bear market? Didn’t we just enter a crypto bear market?

With the endless FUD from China, written up with relish by the world’s media and seconded by all those that said that Bitcoin and crypto would come to a bad end. To be able to say “I told you so”, must be comforting indeed. So, Bitcoin enters a nice long bear market where it can be swept under the carpet and forgotten about for a good while – but did it, or can it? 

According to just about any internet analyst, supposedly worth their salt, Bitcoin has now entered a bear market. The death cross on the daily time frame happened a few days ago, and bears have been pounding the price lower, well under the 200-day moving average, two generally accepted indicators that confirm a bear market. 

So, is that it then? Should we no-good crypto believers just throw in the towel and wait for a recovery in two or three years. In that time the Chinese could have thoroughly established their wonderful central bank digital currency (CBDC) that will be an amazing enslavement (sorry) boon to the long-suffering Chinese people. 

The Federal Reserve will be able to print more coloured paper to their heart’s content, safe in the knowledge that people will have to use it. Jerome Powell and his buddies would be able to stay behind that curtain, like the Wizards of Oz, continuing the game until crypto came back again and lifted the curtain aside. 

The banks can carry on with their nefarious practices under the opaque screen provided by fiat and its baffling accounting practices. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan, the biggest bank in the world, can smile at Elizabeth Warren again and whisper through cherubic lips “Hit me with a fine, my bank can afford it”. 

All these righteous pillars of our societies can carry on their games until finally, finally, finally, the average Joe realises that he’s been scammed out of practically everything he has by a system that he trusted, a system rotten to the core, and one that is rigged like a casino, whereby the house always wins. 

We are always told by very wealthy people, who are heads of banks, global monetary organisations, and those with a drip feed straight out of the fiat system, that we mustn’t touch cryptocurrencies, that they are a scam and used mainly for money laundering and terrorist activities. 

We actually have to humour them because they are powerful beyond measure. Society still puts them on a pedestal because they have a high position and they have high friends who sup from the same trough. 

The common man believes them and doffs the cap whenever in their presence. Most people interviewed in the United States on what they thought of cryptocurrencies would likely spout the same nonsense. The media has done its job well. 

However, the excesses can only go on so long. How much will the common person have to lose before they turn to Bitcoin, a store of wealth completely outside of the existing monetary system? Unmanipulable, mathematical, and transparent. 

All this aside, and back to the beginning of this article. Don’t write Bitcoin off yet. The price is back above the line-in-the-sand support of $30,000. Long wicks down tell us that buyers are not allowing the price to go under. Could this be another miraculous phoenix-from-the-ashes type escape from Bitcoin? 

Even if it isn’t, and Bitcoin does indeed succumb to all the FUD and nonsense said about it, it will rise again. Satoshi Nakamoto put the Bitcoin network in motion for precisely the financial mess that we are in. Freedom lies within it; we just need to discover it and find out for ourselves what it means. 

Disclaimer: This article is provided for informational purposes only. It is not offered or intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. 

* This article was originally published here

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

How DeFi project Archer DAO protects traders from the MEV problem

Archer DAO combats one of the most criticized problems plaguing the DeFi market today: That of opportunist bots and front-running programs that result in burgeoning GAS costs on networks like Ethereum.

The problem

Termed ‘Miner Extractable Value,’ the tactic is used by a proof-of-stake miner’s ability to place transactions into each unique block. This allows miners to extract profits at the expense of users, oft-resulting in an overall slower network and high GAS fees.

Archer DAO has a solution for that. The project has introduced the innovative ‘Trader Extractable Value’ concept to market, building further on Archer Swap’s existing benefits (those of protecting users from front-running bots, zero costs for failed transactions, and canceling trades at zero cost).

At its core, the Archer TEV has a simple working: It allows traders to earn ARCH from their usual trading activity through Archer Swap, forming an income-generating feature, as opposed to a loss-prevention one.

How Archer TEV works

As per a blog post, this is made possible via optimizing the many arbitrage opportunities that traders create following their large on-chain trades. “When traders make big swaps, they open big arbitrage opportunities. Normally, arbitrage bots capture this value,” the team explains.

It adds, “With Archer Relay, the trades are private, so the Archer network captures that value instead and distributes it to traders.”

The team gives a further explainer regarding TEV’s workings:

  1. A trader submits a purchase for $10,000 worth of a token on Archer Swap (using the Uniswap liquidity pool).
  2. This causes a temporary imbalance in the Uniswap token pool. The token price on Uniswap relative to other markets is higher.
  3. Because Archer Swap was used, the transaction is sent to the Archer Relay.
  4. Archer’s back-running bots are privately alerted of the arbitrage opportunity and will execute if profitable.
  5. The value captured from this arbitrage transaction is sent to the Archer Treasury where it is later distributed to Archer Swap users.

To incentivize trading and participation, A six-week $ARCH and Archer Swap buyback and rewards campaign launched earlier in June and is currently in its second week. Traders, what are y’all waiting for?

The post How DeFi project Archer DAO protects traders from the MEV problem appeared first on CryptoSlate.

* This article was originally published here

Saturday, June 19, 2021

XDC Is Now Available on Changelly PRO

We are thrilled to announce that XDC, XDC Network’ native token, is now available on Changelly PRO. Starting today, users will be able to deposit the coin directly to their accounts and will get access to the XDC/BTC and XDC/USDT trading pairs.

XDC Network is a hyper-efficient enterprise-friendly hybrid blockchain network. It aims to combine the advantages of both private and public blockchains, maintaining both a permissioned private state and a permissionless public state. The private state ensures that sensitive financial data is controlled and secure, meanwhile the public state makes it transparent and verifiable. 

XinFin network provides smart contract functionality and offers significant scalability advantages, including 2000 TPS, near-zero fees, and instant finality. The network, which positions itself as a more cost-effective and efficient platform for connecting real-world finance organizations to DeFi markets, has the potential to become the de-facto leader for recording payment obligations.

I am excited to see such an innovative token join Changelly PRO! XDC is a great addition to our platform, and we are happy to give more traders easier and quicker access to this coin.

Changelly CEO Eric Benz

About XDC Network

The XinFin XDC Network ($XDC) is an enterprise-ready, open source, hybrid blockchain protocol specializing in tokenization for real-world decentralized finance. The XDC token is the underlying utility token that powers XinFin’s Hybrid Blockchain. The XDC token acts as a settlement mechanism for DApps built on the XinFin Hybrid Blockchain. To date, use cases built around XinFin’s XDC utility token are: MyContract, TradeFinex, Kramaa, Land Registry, iFactor, Blockdegree and TurantPay.

Learn more about XDC Network:

About Changelly

Changelly provides an ecosystem of products and services that enables customers to have a one-stop-shop experience when engaging with crypto. Operating since 2015, Changelly acts as an intermediary between crypto exchanges and users, offering access to 160+ cryptocurrencies that can be effortlessly swapped within 10 minutes on desktop and on-the-go via Changelly mobile app.

In 2020, Changelly has branched out to accommodate the needs of traders. PRO has been built as a platform focused around the needs of the customer, effectively enabling retail buying and selling of digital tokens and coins. Piggy-backing the great support system found within Changelly, Changelly PRO will provide the community with high limits, effective pricing, fast execution, and 24/7 live support.

Learn more about Changelly PRO:

The post XDC Is Now Available on Changelly PRO appeared first on Cryptocurrency News & Trading Tips – Crypto Blog by Changelly.

* This article was originally published here

How the Crypto Market REALLY Works (A Must-Watch Guide!)

* This article was originally published here